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Backed by Top Industry Certifications

Quality is at the heart of every inventory management solution, C-part and technical service delivered by each location within the AFC Industries family. Our commitment to quality begins with our adherence to these top industry certifications.

AS9100:D and ISO 9001:2015

Our ISO 9001 2015 certification guarantees that our quality management systems comply with those required by this rigid standard. As a result of our compliance, you receive the high-quality parts and services you need when you need them—every time.

ITAR (International Traffic in Arms Regulations)

As a supply chain partner that is ITAR compliant, we are registered with the U.S. State Department’s ITAR program, which means we adhere to the official controls regulating the defense industry.

Ready to tackle your supply chain inefficiencies?

Put your trust in the experts at AFC Industries.